TOLERANT Post Release 5.0
- The product ships with a newer version of AddressDoctor library (5.9.0);
- dualAddressPriority: new profile parameter used to specify whether to validate the entered address as a street address, delivery service or according to country postal regulation. The parameter is used when the entered address has both street and delivery service information
- matchingExtendedArchive: new profile parameter used to configure the engine to process older addresses in South Korea and obtain the newer version of the address
- Verification of Ireland addresses in the Irish language
- Chinese street information can be returned in English. Other address elements are returned in a transliterated Latin script (Pinyin)
- New Supplementary fields
- ISTAT code in Italy
- INE codes in Spain
- Address Id in South Korea
- Default rule-files used for determining the value of post.ReturnCode are no longer delivered as separated files with TOLERANT Post installation package.
- When starting the client GUI from the administration GUI the client GUI is opened in a new window or tab.
- The Java-API for Tolerant Post uses a new version of the http-client library
- Changes in the administration API of Tolerant Post:
- The result of sendAdminCommand method is stored in a java.util.Map instead of java.util.HashMap
- The security logic for bulk-requests has changed. Each of the requests inside one bulk-requests are now checked against the security settings of the concerning project.
- If an update to a newer Match version is executed, the old bulk-DB files have to be erased before starting the service again. Please make sure that all bulk-requests are processed beforehand. You can get a list of all bulk-jobs which are in work by executing the bulkcommand getBulkByState (see documentation).
- A newer java virtual machine (1.8.0_92) is now bundled with the product.
- From the next major release on, the configurations will be checked for correct versions (
). This version stands for the minimum version the used product has to have to be compatible with the configuration. The shipped templates and example-configurations will automatically have the versions of the latest stable product.
New Product Features
Configuration and Administration GUI
- Allows configuration checks for a project or a runtime within a service instance. For that use the menu item „Execute -> Validate configuration file…“ on project or runtime view. Furthermore if a project start failed, then the project configuration is automatically checked and shows his results at a popUp window.
- A new tree node „Proxy settings“ at runtime configuration is added. There can add, edit and remove a single „proxy setting“ which corresponds to the „proxySetting“ element. A proxy setting is only for each proxy protocol allowed.
- At runtime configuration new tree nodes are added to configure post engines. Per default exists always a default engine, which can not configured. To add more engines use the context menu entries at the „Engine“ or „Engines“ node. There are two kinds of engines. An „AddressDoctor cloud engine“ for the cloud service from the AddressDoctor company and a „TOLERANT cloud engine“ for our own cloud service. The connection setting to the particular cloud service can configured on its single cloud node. To remove or copy an engine use the context menu on the engine node.
- New tree nodes added to configure profile engines on a post profile. The profile engine corresponds to the „postEnginemap“ element. Per default exists a default profile engine for each profile, which refers to the default engine. To add a new profile engine use the context menu entry on the default profile engine „Profile engine“ node or the „Profile engines“ node. This is only allowed if at least one post engine at runtime settings exist. To remove or copy a profile engine use the context menu on a profile engine node.
- The synonymFile attribute „allowEmptyResults“ was added to synonym file configuration.
- New sub menu „Show ReleasNotes“ for menu item „Help“ to open ReleaseNotes.html in a new browser tab
- At service runtime configuration a new tree node is added to activate the bulk request functionality. To add use the context menu on „Runtime settings“. To remove use context menu on the new „Bulk requests“ node.
Client GUI
- New sub menu „Show ReleasNotes“ for menu item „Help“ to open ReleaseNotes.html in a new browser tab
- The project id parameter from the administration command „check configfile“ has two new non id values. „
“ which checks runtime only and „ “ which checks the whole configuration file. - Setting the service in maintenance mode removes the lock of the reference files, so that updating the reference files can be easily accomplished.
- Configuration checker warnings (WARNING) that do not affect the result of a process are now categorized as INFO will not be printed on console during product start
- Profile’s countryList can be used in combination with the configured post engines
- TPR-2099: If DEBUG Level or higher was set for the trace file, then the checked addresses were written to the trace file regardless of the anonymization settings. Now the fields: RecipientLine, DeliveryAddressLine, FormattedAddressLine, Contact, Street, Number, DeliveryService, Building, SubBuilding, AddressComplete are anonymized according to the configured anonymization method.
- No major improvements
- Nothing to report
Fixed Bugs
Configuration and Administration GUI
- Bug #TPR-3385: Host name not mandatory for a non H2 database configuration.
- Bug #TPR-3349: Synonym file check in the administration GUI shows wrong line numbers.
- Bug #TPR-3332: Output switch condition field was not updated on input field changes.
- Bug #TPR-3330: Deleting all the output of an output switch results in validation error.
- Bug #TPR-3310: Request logging database reference is reseted if delete another database.
- Bug #TPR-3266: Disabled fields in the edit view of the unlock-codes are declared as mandatory fields.
- Bug #TPR-3265: Edit view for the NOT_YET_VALID unlock codes does not show the country list.
- Bug #TPR-3232: No client side maximum for strings in login mask.
- Bug #TPR-3200: At standalone the exit page has little layout problems.
- Bug #TPR-1574: At service runtime the edit window for a file logging from type SERVER does not loads the console output property correctly.
- Bug #TPR-1498: The combo boxes at input and output form do not have the same width.
- Bug #TPR-1399: Wrong characters at batch execution window.
- Bug #TPR-565: Directory at the file selection dialog was not preselected after value change in any possible case.
- Bug #TPR-555: The file selector dialog cannot preselect a file path with contains „..“
- Bug #TPR-534: Could not start the client of a service instance, if domain or protocol of gui service not equals to the service domain and protocol.
- Bug #TPR-527: Language switch does not work for IE11 if GUI is started as standalone process.
- Bug #TPR-8: „Save & Update“ at a service instance gives no feedback about a successful save when update failed.
Client GUI
- Bug #TPR-3256: Button caption for send a request does not dependents on post profile mode.
- Bug #TPR-3200: At standalone the exit page shows the wrong logo and has little layout problems.
- Bug #TPR-527: Language switch does not work for IE11 if GUI is started as standalone process.
- Bug #TPR-2105: Post service performance suffers when using countryList.
- Bug #TPR-1568: The request log contained wrong URLs if https is used.
- Bug #TPR-288: reconfigure runtime is not allowed if jetty-logging was changed
- Bug #TPR-3390: Return codes in strict mode were expanded to check for missing and/or wrong building and flat numbers
- Bug #TPR-3303: restricting the supported proxy protocols to HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SOCKS. Definitions of multiple proxies with the same protocol is not allowed.
- Bug #TPR-3264: PARSE mode is know fully supported
- Bug #TPR-2100: Java exception was logged when using fuzzyCompatibility for a wrong house number
- Bug #TPR-536: The synonym replacement did not work correctly if there were multiple synonym matches with different modes. Now the order of the modes is as follows: string modes win against word modes (Mode-Order is: 14 > 2 > 4 > 8 > 15 > 11 > 3 > 5 > 9).
Known Bugs
- no known bugs
- Please refer to the manual
- Please refer to the manual