TOLERANT Post Release 4.0
- 32-Bit operating systems are no longer supported.
- When upgrading an installation where https is used, a MANUAL(!) step is required to reimport the certificate into the java virtual machine. This step is documented in the „HTTPS“ appendix of the manual (section „USING JAVA API WITH HTTPS“). This step is necessary, as the upgrade does not know the keystore password used in previous installs.
- The product ships with a newer embedded web server (jetty 9.3.3). The configuration of the server has changed, so that the server configuration now resides in $TLCONFIG/jetty-config. When upgrading, all web server configurations from the previous installation should be incorporated automatically into the new config.
- A newer java virtual machine (1.8.0_66) is now bundled with the product.
- The script to install a windows service using Apache Tomcat has been removed. If you still need this script, please write an email to
- The temporary directories for the extracted web applications are now reused on startup.
- Java API requires java1.6 or a newer version.
- The feature to run the Post Client GUI with a local configuration file, configured through the installation path at menu „File–>Settings“ or the URL parameter „dir“, was removed.
- English manuals have been updated.
- The configuration element postEngineProxy was replaced with the runtime element proxySettings. The new element can be used for both postEngine and referenceUpdate.
New Product Features
Configuration and Administration GUI
- When a synonym list name at synonym editor is removed or renamed and these synonym list is referenced on an input or output field, a new popUp window is opened. There contains a list of all currently used removed or renamed synonym lists and ask if remove or rename the currents.
- Adds the attributes „url“, „maxBulkSize“ and „tablePrefix“ as fields to database settings.
- The logging settings was restructured to configure general logging settings. Under the tree item „Logging“, the general logging settings are shown with an additional field for the „anonymizeMethod“ attribute. Its child item „File logging“ shows the file logging settings. For the service runtime settings a second child item shows the request logging settings.
- Default integer field width changed to the width of selection boxes.
- Adds the attribute „active“ to the service project settings under „Advanced settings“ tab.
- A new project tree item „Exception list“ is added, where can configure and validate the exceptions file.
- The file selector dialog shows now the directories followed by the files.
- The project menu items „Start“ and „Stop“ at project view in a service instance are no longer deactivated.
Client GUI
- The service configuration check before starting the Client GUI is no longer carried out by the client, but by sending an administration request to the Post service, if possible. If security activated then the configfile.check right is needed.
- Projects which are not running at service, are removed from the project selection box, when the Client GUI is started.
- All menu items for a service instance which requires that the running service must be on maintenance state gets a security query in a popUp window.
- Bug #2911: In a condition for an output switch, you can now use „EMPTY“, if the field should be empty for the condition to match.
- The security settings can now be configured to use LDAP for authentification. More details can be found in the manual.
- Post Service tries to automatically reconfigure its validation engine if the engine was disconnected due to license check failure.
- The service administration command reconfigure service was improved.
- If the runtime element referenceUpdate was used, the last state of the update operation will be stored in the PostRefDataUpdateHistory.json The administration command „state runtime referenceUpdate“ can be used to fetch the content of the protocol file.
- A new command „check configfile“ is added to the postAdmin tool, to get information about configuration warning and errors.
- A newer version of the address validation engine (5.8.1) was included:
- Street code (part of the Freight Code) as an Enrichment for Germany using Post file post.StreetCode
- Multilanguage province information for addresses in Switzerland
- The rights „configfile.get“ and „project.state“ was added to the predefined „GUEST“ role at default security.xml. They was added to allow the use of Client GUI. But keep in mind that these rights are administration rights, which can be a security issue.
- Following rights were added:
- configfile.check: Get configuration warnings and errors information form the administration service interface.
- environment.get: Get defined environment variables.
- When using https the following CipherSuites have been disabled by default, due to security problems:
- No major improvements
- Nothing to report
Fixed Bugs
Configuration and Administration GUI
- Bug #3177: Relative paths at a batch instance was not resolved with the execution path.
- Bug #3120: Sometimes no service or project state icon is shown for a product instance.
- Bug #3035: Wrong validation message, if password was not set for runtime databases configuration.
- Bug #3027: The advanced settings tab is not shown if test mode is off and number of test records 0.
- Bug #3010: Creation of a service instance creates a 0 byte backup file if service has no configuration before.
- Bug #2909: Deletion of all input fields via context menu does not delete unmapped input fields.
- Bug #2907: When edit or remove a synonym list name at synonym file editor, which is linked at an output field, the synonym list selection was not updated immediately.
- Bug #2894: Wrong validation error at output switch after adding a new default condition.
- Bug #2893: When adding a new condition for the output switch, the condition value input field disappears.
- Bug #2892: Even when the language is set to English, the output switch condition headlines is shown in German.
- Bug #2889: Nested conditions for a output switch produce a validation error.
- Bug #2860: Warning icon at input or output mapping tree, is not shown when opening the mapping tab for the first time.
- Bug #2850: Online help for the fields pattern attribute is insufficient.
- Bug #2846: Synonym file validation at synonym file configuration tab do not check if can read the synonym file.
- Bug #2842: Saving runtime or project for a service instance sends the service unnecessarily in maintenance.
- Bug #2840: The error handling tab for a Post service configuration was removed.
- Bug #2834: Creating a service instance with no configuration sends the service unnecessarily into maintenance.
- Bug #2811: Bread crumb caption at runtime settings contains runtime id instead of product instance name.
- Bug #2805: Configuration of mongo database has marked user name as mandatory field.
- Bug #2794: The result part of the execution dialog was shown with wrong language.
- Bug #2723: In rare cases there is an internal error when list projects from a product instance.
- Bug #2529: The max. length at input field definition was not set to 0 in case of the length handling „
“ switch. - Bug #2427: After changing project id at project settings a validation error occurred if project id is set back to the original value.
- Bug #2228: Error message if service configuration contained errors was unreadable.
- Bug #1517: Error messages on the wrong configuration file error popup window are not completely readable when the word exceeds the window width.
- Bug #1008: Missing safety check for an existing service outputFieldmap, when opening the project configuration.
Client GUI
- Bug #2923: In rare cases there is an internal error after send a request to service.
- Bug #2786: Wrong value(„null“) at log file output after reading the configuration from service.
- Bug #2678: Missing help message for GeoCodingStatus value „EGCF“.
- No bugs were fixed
- Bug #2937: Runtime exception when using the output switch with different output fields mapping.
- Bug #2925: Installation to paths with umlauts or other special characters failed.
- Bug #3053: The attribute „allowEmptyResults“ for a synonymFile if set to „Y“ will now also revert a synonym replacement if the result is a string containing only of blanks.
- Bug #3044: Wrong return code when both PLZ and city are correct but their combination is wrong.
- Bug #3030: post.Shortreport evaluated „matched with error“ input as „corrected“ even if no results were found.
- Bug #2917: Missing check for invalid internal POST input fields mapping.
- Bug #2871: Inaccurate return code value when evaluation ambiguous post boxes.
- Bug #2764: The matchingScope value was not taken into consideration when calculating the value of post.ShortReport.
Known Bugs
- no known bugs
- Please refer to the manual
- Please refer to the manual