TOLERANT Match Release 11.1



  • The attribute encryptBacklogs is now deprectated und was replaced by encryptData. A new initial load is required, if you are using the old attribute encryptBacklogs.
  • It is now possible to configure a powerful Multilevel Search to get extended search results and a more sophisticated grouping of those.
    For further details please refer to the manual in the section MULTILEVEL SUCHE.

New Product Features

Configuration and Administration GUI

  • The GUI now offers a simple one-click method to determine all relevant settings of a csv inputfile such as encoding, enclosures etc.
  • Reworked the Look&Feel of checkboxes in the GUI. This also fixed some minor usability problems.

Client GUI

  • Reworked the Look&Feel of checkboxes in the GUI. This also fixed some minor usability problems.


  • The new project attribute encryptData can be used to encrypt paging data, original data and the backlogs written by Tolerant Match. The attribute dataEncryptionKey can be used to overwrite the default encryption key.
  • Implemented logic for the usage of the new Multilevel Search feature.
  • Improved scrolling and reloading of console output when executing background jobs via GUI wizard.
  • The available metrics shown in the GUI dropdown and retrieved via the command matchAdmin.bat –local –cmd „list metric“ from commandline are now ordered alphabetically.


  • The following system properties can now be used to configure the java API client:
    • com.tolerantsoftware.api.socketTimeout
    • com.tolerantsoftware.api.connectionTimeout
    • com.tolerantsoftware.api.maxConnections


  • The runtime was upgraded to use the latest Java security patch (Java 8 Update 8u345-b01) and the latest Jetty 9 server (version 9.4.49.v20220914).


  • Integrated new version of WsAuth component for authentication and authorization (Version 1.11.1). The changes in WsAuth consist of the following list:
    • TPR-9954 – Passwords can now also be hashed using SimpleFileLoginModule. For further information on how to use this feature and the needed tools please contact
    • TPR-9978 – WsAuth-config now also supports the YAML format.
    • TPR-9976 – AccountData.password is no longer mandatory. This is relevant when SimpleFileLoginModule is just used to define groups, and authentication is managed via LDAP/AD.
    • TPR-10199 – It is now allowed to disable accounts when using SimpleFileLoginModule.

Fixed Bugs

Configuration and Administration GUI

  • TPR-10122: The wizard for executing background jobs via GUI now scrolls properly to the bottom in case of long console outputs.
  • TPR-10123: Long batch runs (30min +) executed via GUI can no longer lead to lost sessions in browser.
  • TPR-10128: Extended showing of output- and logfiles when executing a synonym test via GUI.
  • TPR-10254: Adding and removing an Initialload element via GUI now corrrectly orders the elements in the saved xml file.
  • TPR-10277: Get-By-Key requests sent via client GUI now correctly process keys that contain hash symbols.
  • TPR-10299: The GUI now correctly triggers the notification that requests the user to save the configuration when he navigates to another view.
  • TPR-10368: Names of generated output fields are now created without a suffix (if possible).
  • TPR-10422: The first partitioning field name is now stored correctly after adding multiple partitioning fields.
  • TPR-10498: Match fields of type date now correctly forbid the usage of synonymList when configuring them via GUI.
  • TPR-10614: Removing certain tree elements in the GUI project settings no longer can result in a broken configuration.
  • TPR-10621: The attribute tokenIgnoreMultiple in matchProfile is now properly written back to the configuration when it is saved via GUI.

Client GUI

  • TPR-10297: Fixed some minor bugs and added small usability improvements in the client GUI.
  • TPR-10327: Request history in Client GUI is now preserved when switching between Admin GUI and Client GUI.
  • TPR-10328: Request history in Client GUI now correctly displays missing parameters in list and preserves checkbox settings for used/unused input fields.


  • TPR-10805: The mapping of the Self-Match method in Match batch processing is now reflected correctly in the resulting xml configuration when created via GUI.


  • TPR-10146: Empty save-points are now tolerated when loading the paging data, which should improve stability.
  • TPR-10147: Stopping the project now correctly destroys all of its component even if the project was in ERROR state, , which should improve stability..
  • TPR-10267: Writing savepoints with SQLite databases now uses the standard TOLERANT tmp folder $TLTMP by default. This behaviour can be overwritten by setting SQLITE_TMPDIR as enviroment variable.
  • TPR-10378: File based databases no longer get locked when executing certain admin commands.
  • TPR-10389: Match now ensures that all paging database connectors have unique Ids. This should greatly enhance stability for installations with many projects that are restarted on a regular basis.
  • TPR-10423: The checkbox „Use synonyms“ now correctly triggers the synonym processing in file preview in GUI and all environment variables are now replaced when parsing the configuration from json.
  • TPR-10720: Accessing an inactive project returns the new error code -10036.
  • TPR-10775: Fixed some typos in logging output.
  • TPR-10857: Detection of encoding is now limited to a certain number of bytes to prevent out-of-memory-error


  • TPR-10180: If a project is in state ERROR it now prevents the cluster synchronization. When the project state has been recovered, the synchronization will resume.
  • TPR-10206: Fixed error in xml templates that caused errors when creating new service-configurations and projects via GUI.
  • TPR-10273: The file platform_jvm.txt now correctly reflects newer Windows operation systems.
  • TPR-10388: Added additional states in which a project cannot be stopped to increase stability of a running project.
  • TPR-10416: SHUTDOWN DEFRAG for H2 databases is now executed after creating a full savepoint. NOTE: Due to a known issue in H2 implementation itself, theSHUTDOWN DEFRAG command does not work properly with encrypted databases (for H2 native encryption, it will still work with the new application side encryption).
  • TPR-10475: Database consistency check will not remove the schema name from the tablename if included to execute the check.
  • TPR-10551: Anonymizing of logfiles now works correcty when using the anonymizeMethod „REMOVE“.
  • TPR-10631: It is now possible to configure a logging element, with just the filename in path.
  • TPR-10732: Added support of option url for all database types when using the tools matchAdjustPagingDatabase and matchInspectPagingDatabase.
  • TPR-10828: Match search requests are now counted correctly in all cases when checking against the limit set in the TOLERANT licence file .
  • TPR-10857: Detection of encoding is now limited to a certain number of bytes to prevent out-of-memory-error


  • TPR-10684: Updated postgres driver to version 42.4.2 to address security finding CVE-2022-21724.
  • TPR-10826: Updated to version 1.10.0 of Apaches common-text library to address the security finding CVE-2022-42889.

Known Bugs

  • Currently no known bugs.