Contact us.
We will be happy to help you with your data quality issues.
GmbH & Co. KG
Büchsenstr. 26
70174 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49 711 400 4250
Fax number: +49 711 400 425 01
News about our products (2.0)
TOLERANT productsAny software is only as good as the last update. Here are the news about our products.
»Moving is half dying!« (Bismarck)
Things to knowZum Glück haben sich die Zeiten seit den Tagen des Eisernen Kanzlers geändert. Umzugskisten mögen so schwer sein wie eh und je – der Umgang mit Adressänderungen aber ist heute leichter denn je.
Relaxed in times of crisis
EditorialI’m sure you agree with us that it’s good to live in a free society that can fight back when necessary. Sinister people of all kinds need to be fought, everyone agrees on that, too. But the comfort ends sooner than you think. Because the fight against terrorists and other criminals is not just taking place in a faraway war against IS, but in the middle of German offices and companies.
Data quality and compliance
CustomersHow can you tell if business partners are breaking international rules? Württembergische Gemeinde-Versicherung and Tolerant Software show how processes in customer service can be designed efficiently and securely with consistent data quality management.
Interview at the CRM Expo
NewsOn the occasion of the CRM-Expo 2014, TOLERANT managing director Jörg Vogler was interviewed by Prof. Harald Eichsteller (Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart).
News about TOLERANT products 2.1
TOLERANT productsAny software is only as good as the last update. Here are the news about our products.