Tag: Fault-tolerant search technology - Page 1


How can you tell if business partners are breaking international rules? Württembergische Gemeinde-Versicherung and Tolerant Software show how processes in customer service can be designed efficiently and securely with consistent data quality management.

This is the title of a philosophical bestseller by Richard David Precht. However, the question of identity is not just a mental game, it touches on very tangible aspects of modern everyday life. Without a clear identity, not only people get mixed up, but also databases. Duplicates are multiple entries for one and the same client in your database. Such duplicates are not just a nuisance – they can be really dangerous. Why, and how you can protect your company from them, is the subject of this article.

»Googling« has been a synonym for searching the internet in the German prescriptive Duden dictionary for some years now. For at least two thirds of Germans, the use of search engines has become an everyday occurrence. Without Google & Co. nothing can be planned, experienced or checked today. No text, no holiday, no job, no purchase for which it does not assist.

CRM is a business strategy that knows no boundaries, breaking down not only technological but also cultural walls. In an age where people think and act less and less locally and more and more globally, quality software must be able to adapt to numerous differences in culture, language, programming, data protection or business processes.