TOLERANT MPM Release 1.6



  • MPM can now search in inactive customer data. If the search is carried out using TOLERANT Match, an update of the configuration and a new inital-load is required.
  • Detailed logging of HTTP request to the MPM service and their responses to console is no longer activated by default.
  • Fallback version of mpm-gui_config.json is now served if it isn’t accessible in the installation directory.
  • The Swagger descriptions of the API operations getExternalSystem and updateExternalSystem now have the correct response type ExternalSystem.
  • Removed deprecated API method createConsentTextSuccessor.
  • Content of consentTexts and consenTextGroups has been split in separate loader files.
  • Replaced deprecated API method ConsentTextsService.createConsentTextSuccessor() by ConsentTextsService.createConsentTextSuccessorRevision().
  • MPM now ships with a newer Tomcat version (Tomcat 9.0.37) and a newer JRE (Jre8u265b01).
  • The configured signing phrase for WsAuth and MPM must be atleast 32 characters long.

New Product Features

Client GUI

  • Customer search view has been reworked to show the consolidated permission state of the found customers.
  • Adding and editing customer blockings dialogue has been reworked to be less error-prone and more intuitive.
  • The administrative GUI now provides a new view to create and maintain lookup values.
  • The HTTP_Headers X-SystemName (mandatory) and X-Language (optional) are now uniformly passed from GUI to service.
  • The administrative GUI can now use configured lookup values to suggest values in dropdown lists. A simple set of lookup values is shipped with the product.
  • Replaced deprecated API method ConsentTextsService.createConsentTextSuccessor() by ConsentTextsService.createConsentTextSuccessorRevision().
  • Added missing error handling when creating new blocking types via GUI.
  • GUI has been updated to Angular v 9.1.12
  • Optimised arrangement and labels of the table colums in consentText view.
  • Added possibility to set a text block back to state CREATED from state DRAFTED without navigating to Review view.
  • New extended search view is now available in the GUI.
  • Removed uneccessary requests done by the GUI in certain cases.


  • Added example consolidatedPermissionStatus stored procedure for postgres that is shipped with MPM. The function can be deployed to a configured database when using the installer with example data. The consolidation result contains all usages of the last valid consent of all customer(s) in the request that belong to consent texts of the purpose in the request. If a valid blocking exists for customer(s) in the request (regardless of blocking type), all usage states in the result are set to ‚N‘ (usage denied). Result contains states for all usages that belong to the purpose in the request. Even if a usage is not contained in given consents it will be part of the consolidation result (state denied in this case). Via usage groups multiple usages can be grouped together: usages with same ‚usage group‘ are contained only once in result, ‚usage group‘ is used as ‚usage name‘ in this case.
  • Lookup values can now be imported via the MPM loader.
  • Detailed logging of HTTP request to the MPM service and their responses to console is no longer activated by default.
  • Content of consentTexts and consenTextGroups has been split in separate loader files.
  • The tenant creation tool and the migration scripts were extended to load a default set of languages, external systems and lookup values.


  • Added example consolidatedPermissionStatus stored procedure for postgres that is shipped with MPM. The function can be deployed to a configured database when using the installer with example data. The consolidation result contains all usages of the last valid consent of all customer(s) in the request that belong to consent texts of the purpose in the request. If a valid blocking exists for customer(s) in the request (regardless of blocking type), all usage states in the result are set to ‚N‘ (usage denied). Result contains states for all usages that belong to the purpose in the request. Even if a usage is not contained in given consents it will be part of the consolidation result (state denied in this case). Via usage groups multiple usages can be grouped together: usages with same ‚usage group‘ are contained only once in result, ‚usage group‘ is used as ‚usage name‘ in this case.
  • MPM can now search in inactive customer data. To activate this feature please use the configuration parameter customers.findInactiveData
  • New API endpoint getCustomersExtended now returns single scores when configured with TOLERANT Match.
  • Both the name of the external system and the requested language can be send to the backend using the headers X-SystemName and Accept-Language respectively.
  • When using the prefer header with the value return=minimal a minimal set of HAL-Links will be returned in the response body.
  • MPM is now bundled with the WsAuth-Version 1.8.
  • Following headers: X-Forwarded-For, X-Forwarded-Proto and X-Forwarded-Prefix can now be used to influence the generation of the HAL-Links. The X-Forwarded-Proto header will be interpreted only if the X-Forwarded-For was set.
  • The service can now validate certain fields to have a perdefined list of values if the field’s lookup values were available for the requesting system and languge.
  • New extended search view is now available in the GUI.


  • MPM now ships with a newer Tomcat version and a newer JRE. Following security relevant measures were made:
    • The secure attribute of the http connector can be configured using the installation property
    • Setting the ajp port to -1 will disable the connector
    • Information about JRE and Tomcat versions are not returned
    • Unexpected exceptions will not be reported in the html response
  • The values of the message keys can be overridden with an external message-catalog-file for each language. These files can be found under /config/assets/i18n.
  • Added message catalogue entries for all available service error codes to have a correct localized representation in the GUI.
  • The online documentation was extended to reflect all available metrics in MPM Service. The documentation can be found under /mpmDOC/service-api/index.html.
  • The mpm-gui_config.json now supports configuring your own icons for displaying the usage channels in customer search view. The icon set from which one can choose can be found under here.
    For more details on how to use this feature we refer to the MPM user manual (coming soon™) or contact

Fixed Bugs

Client GUI

  • TPR-6706: Resolved problems with creating child legal entities.
  • TPR-6966: Fixed several missing message keys in tool tips.
  • TPR-7120: Removed deprecated „strictMode“ parameter from gui-config file.
  • TPR-7318: Removed unnecessary filter on column „state“ in tables where only certain states could occur.
  • TPR-7614: Fixed an issue where not all dialogues could be closed properly by „excape“.
  • TPR-7763: Removed unnecessary description field in dialog for creating a new consent text revision.
  • TPR-8023: Agreed usages added in the administration GUI are now stored with correct agreement-flag.
  • TPR-8121: Fixed presentation of legal entities in the related view.
  • TPR-8124: Fixed some problem in the drag & drop component in consentTexts view.
  • TPR-8237: Reworked boolean values in all tables to be shown as icons.
  • TPR-8332: Resolved problems regarding opening the MPM Gui in Internet Explorer.
  • TPR-8378: Fixed problem with not correctly opening customerBlockings form.
  • TPR-8449: The two fields reference and provider are no longer mandatory when creating a new customer consent.
  • TPR-8456: Fixed problem with missing tooltips on deactivated buttons.


  • TPR-7790: Upserting consentTexts via the loader no longer causes an error when the target consentText has state „ARCHIVED“.


  • TPR-7612: Fixed internal error that could occur when TOLERANT Match is configured in MPM but not available.
  • TPR-7852: Fallback version of mpm-gui_config.json is now served if it isn’t accessible in the installation directory.
  • TPR-7857: The Swagger descriptions of the API operations getExternalSystem and updateExternalSystem now have the correct response type ExternalSystem.
  • TPR-7866: Removed deprecated API method createConsentTextSuccessor.
  • TPR-7929: Attribute „ConsentTextGroup.lawfulness“ is now correctly stored in the database when received via API oder imported via loader.
  • TPR-7957: Fixed problem with creating „sub legal entities“ depending on the selected legal entity in legal entity tree.
  • TPR-8040: The swagger file for the customer blockings exclusion API is now generated correctly.
  • TPR-8105: Missing update statement in the migration scripts no longer causes a problem when querying the customer history.
  • TPR-8120: Improved pattern validation of language codes when adding a new language via GUI.
  • TPR-8254: The service returns a new error code CONS_GET_NOTIMPL_CONS_FUNC if the consolidation function is not implemented or not configured.


  • TPR-7780: Added missing classes and libraries to the shipped API client.
  • TPR-8017: The migration scripts for the POSTGRES database were fixed.
  • TPR-8120: Improved pattern validation of language codes when adding a new language via GUI.
  • TPR-8121: Fixed presentation of legal entities in the related view.
  • TPR-8124: Fixed some problem in the drag & drop component in consentTexts view.
  • TPR-8125: Type of legal entity in legal entity dialogue can now be configured to be a dropdown when the correct lookup value is available (LegalEntityType.type).
  • TPR-8248: Improved online help regarding consentTextGroups.

Known Bugs

  • TPR-8491: It is currently possible to set a consentText with corrupted data to state „DRAFTED“.

Archived release notes